AIDA 2 - Freediver Course


The AIDA 2 covers the basic skills and knowledge for a recreational freediver to safely freedive. This course is for students who are already experienced and comfortable in open water using basic skindiving equipment.The course will cover breatholding techniques, physiology, underwater physics, safety, techniques, equipment for freediving.

The course will have the student to the basic disciplines of freediving; Static Apnea (breatholding), Dynamic Apnea (swimming distance underwater), Constant Weight (swimming for depth), Free Immersion (pulling on the line).

There will be a pool session to practice Static Apnea, and Dynamic Apnea. Then three open water sessions will work on freediving skills.

Be 18 years of age or older (16 years with parent or guardian consent)
Swimming Skills, (Be able to swim at least 200m non stop without fins, 300m with mask, snorkel and fins)
Open Water Experience (scuba / skindiving )

Completion of the AIDA 2 would require the student to demonstrate:

  • 2 minute breathold
  • 40m long underwater swim
  • 16m comfortable depth swim (Max of 20m)
  • and a written exam
    The course takes two and a half (2.5) days and is composed of:
    2 Theory Sessions , Breathold (Static) and Finninng (Dynamic) Sessions, 3 Open Water Session.

    Given we are trying to reduce contact as much as possible, we will try to do all lectures online prior the course. Then the weekend (Sat - Sun) in Anilao for the Static, Dynamic, and Dive Sessions.
    Kindly book a few weeks in advance, so we can plan out details of the lecture.

    PRICE: PHP 13,500
    Listed price is for the course fee and certification with AIDA, and does not include: equipment rentals, resort fees.
    At the end of the course, student will be certified according to the requirements performed.
    If the requirements for the AIDA 2 are not yet completed, student has one year to complete.